EMT Data for MiFID II Reporting - Disclaimer

This document has been prepared by Markel CATCo Investment Management Limited, a Bermuda exempted company with limited liability, registered number 50576, having its registered office at Crawford House, 50 Cedar Avenue, Hamilton HM11 Bermuda, and its principal office at 141 Front Street, Hamilton HM19, Bermuda, and which is authorised and regulated by the Bermuda Monetary Authority (“us”, “we”, “our”) as applicable.

The document contains data (“Data”) which has been prepared for you by us on a voluntary basis to enable you to comply with your MiFID II (“Regulatory”) regulatory reporting obligations. The Data must not be circulated or distributed to any third party individual or legal entity without our prior written consent. The Data was sourced from both proprietary and non-proprietary sources which we may not have verified or audited independently and as such you use the Data at your own risk. We therefore do not guarantee the accuracy of the Data or its applicability for your Regulatory obligations. The Data contains information available to us on the date identified on the document.

The document does not provide you with any advice on how to interpret the Data. Further, we do not hold out, represent or warrant that the Data has been created, calculated or made available in compliance with the Regulations. How you interpret the Data for your purposes is wholly and exclusively your responsibility and as such you may wish to consider taking such professional advice as you may deem necessary (“Professional Advice”). Neither we nor any company associated with or managed by us is liable for any fees or costs relating to any Professional Advice you receive pursuant to this document and the Data. This document and the Data do not constitute Professional Advice.

Notwithstanding any other provision in this document we retain the right to amend the Data without notice and as we consider necessary from time to time and if we deem it necessary to cease providing you with the Data at any time and without notification.

Excluding any liability arising through fraud, or any other liability applicable through law or regulation neither we nor any company associated with or managed by us have any liability to you, or any other third party, whatsoever, however, arising in relation to this document or the Data.

Finally, we would also like to draw your attention to the following points. The Data provided does not include any reference to, or consideration of, any form of stamp duty or similar and applicable sale tax which may be payable by the investor in respect of their purchase of the investment to which the Data relates.

CATCo Reinsurance Opportunities Fund Ltd. - European MiFID Template (EMT) - .CSV Format

CATCo Reinsurance Opportunities Fund Ltd. - European MiFID Template (EMT) - .XLS Format